Belleview Inn

Advise owner on: how much of the 125 year old inn should be kept, moved and rebuilt to serve as the center piece of new condominium community: how to maintain existing hotel room configurations and how to combine other room configurations to provide a mix of rooms and suites: which rooms can serve as ADA rooms and which as Jr Suites and which can serve as full suites:

Owner's project manager establishing the initial construction budget, FF&E/OS&E budget and design and consulting budget. Contract with design team members, consultants, and contractors on behalf of JMC. Manage the design, IT design including HSIA, GES, PMS/POS, phone switch, and WIFI backbone, construction services and procurement process. Oversee FF&E receiving, warehousing and installation process. Punch all rooms and suites as well as all public and BOH spaces.

Serve as purchasing agent for all furniture, fixtures and equipment as well as operating supplies and equipment.

Belleview Inn, Completed

Belleview Inn reception desk

Reception desk

leview Inn staircase


Banquet space

Belleview Inn in progress

In progress

Belleview Inn exterior and pool

Exterior view and pool

Belleview Inn King Room

King Room

Belleview Inn photo of original building

Original bulding

Belleview Inn original bulding structure

Original building structure


Inn at Patrick Square


Crowne Plaza Worklife Room